Monday, May 31, 2010

Benefits of Italian Dual Citizenship

Buongiorno tutti! This blog is for my cousins and others interested in finding out how to apply for Italian citizenship based on jure sanguinis (descent from an Italian ancestor).

Italian dual citizenship gives you the right to live and work in the E.U. and have the benefits of Italian citizenship, such as:
  • Living and working in all EU countries
  • Passing on Italian citizenship to your family
  • Accessing medical benefits
  • Accessing education benefits
  • Other countries to go to if you ever need a plan B
The U.S. allows dual citizenship. You can acquire Italian citizenship without losing U.S. citizenship.


  1. Nice Info! People have lots of option to make their citizenship of a particular country which is very necessary thing.

    Citizenship with Italy | Italian Records

  2. I totally agree with your above content! We also give some tips that will help you to acquire Italian citizenship by descent
